We produced another funny animated commercial about the clumsy cheese who is the best for cheese. Produced by Péter Gálik / Ideatime Animation by László Csiszár Secondary animataion, background, compositing by us...
More funny animated 2D commercials for a dairy product company. Produced by Peter Galik / Ideatime Animation by Laszlo Csiszar Secondary animataion, background, compositing by...
Three more funny animated 2D commercials for a dairy product company. Produced by Peter Galik / Ideatime Animation by Laszlo Csiszar Secondary animataion, background, compositing by...
Two more funny animated 2D commercials for a dairy product company. Produced by Peter Galik / Ideatime Animation by Laszlo Csiszar Secondary animataion, background, compositing by...
Animated 2d commercial for an UNICEF campaign Produced by FocusFox for Isobar, 2016 Animation by Laszlo Csiszar Secondary animataion, background, editing and compositing by...